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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often do you Deliver
    We deliver 4-5 days a week. Typically we tackle the following once a week: from Marshall down to 90 over to Rochester to the South Metro back to Granite (along 212), North along 23 to St Cloud to Northbranch down into the North Metro and back along 212. Every other week or once a month to: South Dakota from Watertown south to Sioux City, Along 23 up to Brainerd and that central-north MN area, and North of Watertown (SD) to Fargo along 94 to Alexandria. We try to pick days that work for the majority. If days do not work we encourage you to discuss alternatives with us, such as waiting a until another day or a special delivery day or picking it up or something of some other sort- like leaving a cooler out?
  • What is your refund policy?
    We are very good about refunds or replacing meat if there is a genuine problem. Realistically it will come down to the issue though. If an animal for some reason has a taste you weren't expecting (such as getting a special breed of an animal), we're happy to work with you on that. If for some reason a butcher does something that neither they or we catch, we'll be on that for you. We'll happily address any understandable problems that make sense. If it's a substantial problem caught upon delivery (say an unfortunate order mixup), do not worry- you can keep your money until we fix it. We want you to be happy and confident in what you receive from us!!
  • What do you take for payment?
    Presently we take Cash, Check, Card (CC fees will apply unfortunately), and Venmo. Presently no EBT.
  • What if I can't pay everything right away? (Payment Plan)
    This is no problem at all. We will happily set up plans with you in advance to suit your needs. It is worth mentioning though that we have had issues with this so we ARE requiring a down payment and some paperwork/a-contract to prevent future issues. We apologize to the majority who are faithful to the agreement you setup with us; but the few that mess around when on a plan have caused a good bit of grief.
  • How do you deliver? (Vehicles, Times, Etc)
    We have 2 main delivery van currently, and beyond that we deliver with our personal vehicles if needed. Aside from that our drivers (currently 3) have various means of delivering and conveying delivery time. We use an application that sends out an automated message with information, as well as a link to a tracker that will show him throughout the day and your expected delivery time based on his location and stops in front of yours. Not everyone gets this though due to a filter or service failure perhaps; so if on a day you're being delivered to, he is driving, and you do not receive it- contact Jonathan.
  • What is included in the bill?
    We charge for the meat. Processing is paid to either the butcher shop by you ahead of time (you will be told this or can set it up if you pick the cuts), or paid with the meat fee. If you are getting delivery, a handling fee will be included.
  • Do you charge a delivery fee?
    Yes. Depending on distance this will vary, which you can find out while ordering by asking Jon. We try to make it so that delivery fees cover fuel and wages if at all possible.
  • What is Hanging Weight?
    Hanging Weight is the weight of the animal after it has been killed, skinned, gutted, bled, and hung. This DOES include all of the meat and bone that still remains. This will vary depending on the animal as some are big and some are small.
  • How long will it take to get my meat?
    Usually it will take 2-3 weeks to complete an order. We hang our beef for 14 days minimum for the dry aging. Pork and Lamb may be quicker depending on butcher schedule and when we are scheduled to bring livestock in for butchering. Sometimes when slow we may wait until we have enough orders before sending something in to be butchered but this usually isn't how we do it.
  • How do you stay affordable? What do costs go to?
    As shared around our site, we aim to do things the simple 'right' way to minimize costs. We aren't greedy. Animal Prices depend on a variety of factors but most often we settle at the prices you'll see now. Much of what we charge for this is for what it takes to raise the animal with only some profit coming off of that. Processing fees cover the processing itself, charged by the butcher- and this will vary depending on what you would like done with your animal. Delivery fee is to cover fuel and wages.
  • How often do you butcher?
    Usually once a week if not every other week we have stuff going in when busy. We also butcher all year round. Outside of specialty items such as turkey or various sausages, we will usually have our main cuts and products on hand. Bundles also go all year round!!
  • How do you store everything?
    We have large storage units to keep everything frozen until it is time for it to be delivered.
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